Session 4

This section contains all of the suggested discussion questions for class meetings.


  • (10’) Welcome Back

    • Students share any updates for the class; any comments lingering from the last session

  • (60’) SME Speaks + Q/A

    • Recorded talk by Dr. Alice Ma

    • Optional: If possible for your institution, you should consider asking your SMEs and/or faculty about the process for creating Choosing Wisely guidelines. Some suggested questions are below.

      • Describe the process of developing these guidelines?

      • How are you reviewing evidence? What guidelines are you using/referring to principally?

        • How do you control for conflicts of interest?

      • How do you decide what’s wasteful? Is it from your own experience and then you share with others, who feel the same?

  • (30’) Discussion on Module 5

    • This module continues to explore and clarify how the components of value-based healthcare delivery can be applied.

      • What concepts were clarified for you in this module?

      • Are there any components of value-based healthcare delivery that we currently do a good job at achieving in our health system? Which components do you think we could most likely work on implementing?

        • Components discussed in module include: team-based care interactions organized around patient medical needs and conditions; integrated care across units and facilities; measurement focused on patient health outcomes; the actual costs of providing patient care are measured and captured; providers are reimbursed on value of care provided across a full care cycle for medical conditions; health information technology is leveraged to help restructure care delivery and accurately measure results.

      • Would you want to work for a place like CareMore? Why or why not?

      • Do you believe this model could be a proxy for chronic condition-based IPUs?

      • This module discussed the Choosing Wisely campaign. One of the simplest ways to improve value for patients is to simultaneously improve care and decrease costs through cutting out unnecessary services. Eliminating areas of overuse, or “waste,” is something that any of us within healthcare contribute to on an individual level. Like the animation in the module said, “it will take countless marginally incremental efforts from all involved.”

        • How can you help contribute to the movement to decrease overuse for your patients?

        • As a medical student, do you see yourself using the app in practice?

          • Participants can refer to a Choosing Wisely list relevant to their specialty or level of training to identify potential target areas. We can also help have conversations with each other and with our patients around healthcare value and “choosing wisely.’

      • What was your experience exploring the Choosing Wisely website and/or app?

      • Were you able to review any of the Physician Society online modules? Any that seemed helpful?

(10’) Wrap-Up

Last updated

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